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Practice Notes

Application for Casino Operator's Licence

Application for the Renewal of Casino Venue Licence

Application by Secretary to Suspend or Cancel Casino Licence

Application for Mortgage, Charge or Encumbrance

Application to Transfer or Alienate as a Result of Mortgage, Charge or Encumbrance

Application to Approve Casino Venue Agreements or Amendments


Application by Casino Licence Holder or Request by Secretary to Specify, Vary or Revoke the Conditions of a Casino Licence

Application for Temporary Authority to Operate a Casino

Orders to Remove or Circumvent Significant Influence in a Casino of an Associated Person



This process applies when a person makes a complaint to the Gambling Commission about how the Secretary has handled a complaint made to him or her about the conduct of class 4 gambling. The functions of the Gambling Commission under this provision must be undertaken by a division of the Commission.

Link to application form:
Note: These documents are in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. You need to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You can download a free version from the Adobe site.

Complaint made to Secretary about the conduct of class 4 gambling at a particular venue or by a class 4 licence holder
Secretary investigates complaint and then notifies the complainant of any action that has been or will be taken and the nature of that action
If complainant is dissatisfied with the Secretary’s handling of the complaint, he or she may complain to the Commission using the specified form
Chief Gambling Commissioner decides who is to be part of the Division to deal with the matter
Division notifies the Secretary of the complaint

The Commission will ask the Secretary to provide, normally within 10 working days, a report about the handling of the complaint.
Secretary provides report to the Commission
Division considers Secretary’s report
If the Division considers that the complaint was not handled properly, the Division is to report this to the Minister
If the Division considers that the complaint was handled properly, Division notifies the complainant and the Secretary of its view
Division notifies the complainant and the Secretary of its view and its report to the Minister
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